Saturday 15 February 2014


I decided to look further into my own personal experiences throughout my own life. 
I feel the easiest way of expressing the changes I, myself have gone through is through photographs.
I decided to focus on photographs which, to me seem pretty similar, but which give the opportunity to view how much has changed physically in both my appearance and the dynamics of the relationships I have shared throughout my life.
This is an idea I would like to look into further in this project.

Pencil and Eraser on Tracing Paper
Continuous Line


This video by One Direction, entitled 'Story Of My Life' was released on October 25th 2013 by 'Syco music and Columbia records' .
The video was directed by Ben Winston, who also shot together the boy bands video for 'Best Song Ever'
The video features the band's family members including Zayn Malik's sister, Harry Styles' mother, Liam Payne's parents and sisters, Niall Horan's brother and Louis Tomlinson's grandparents, two of whom are now deceased.
The video begins in a dark room with the band developing photos, this then cuts into close-up shots of the family photos for each member of the band and show the photographs morphing into the same family members doing a current recreation of the photos.
The video has given me ideas of how I could go about experimenting with my own project.
I really like the idea of re-shooting or photographing past photographs to show the change between then and now. 
I have decided to focus on this aspect and the idea of the changes I, myself have gone through from a young age to now.


Ronald Mueck is an Australian sculptor who is currently working in the UK.
His early career consisted of being a model maker and puppeteer for children's television shows and films, one of his most notorious being, Labyrinth.
However, one piece which hooked me was his exhibition at the Saatchi for 'Big Baby'. 
The sculpture seen in the video is the second creation by Mueck, with the first and third being from 1963, as seen in the photograph below.
I particularly like how realistic the sculptures look in comparison to the skin tones and indentations of a real baby, however the size, which is blown up to a completely new scale, is something quite remarkable.
I find it astonishing how Mueck was able to capture a moment through his sculpture work, which is an idea I would like to consider in my own work.

DRAWINGS: From Observation

Mono-print: Black Ink
Left Hand: Black Pencil
Mono-print: Black Ink
Continuous Line: Black Pencil
Coloured Crayon and Wax

I used different media to create a series of drawings from observation, allowing me to familiarise myself with different materials and ways of drawing. I particularly liked these experimentations as they allowed me to be express myself more freely and loosen up my drawings. I feel that the ways in which I drew reflected the idea of the objects of the chair and flower pots being old and weathered. This can be used in my project as I am trying to create the idea of time changing the person through age.

LIFE: The transition over time

After deciding to follow the idea of 'life', I went about creating a mind-map of ideas of what I would typically associate with life. 
This includes the rites of passage that people go through in life. In my own life, that would mean baptism, communion and the relationship I share with my family and friends.
Using the ideas from 'The Curious Case of Benjamin Button', I think I will go about looking into my own life and the changes I have personally gone through as I have grown and changed with time.
I particularly like the second poster image where the actor, Brad Pitt's face has been collaged together with torn images of his character Benjamin's ageing face. I think it is a simple way of expressing the physical changes gone through with age, yet it is successful as it is clear to see and understand as an audience member.


The theme for this project is 'Growth and Evolution'.

I started off this topic by creating a mind-map with possible ideas I could explore which follow the given theme.

These ideas range from the growth of bacteria and viruses to the growth of the internet and urban culture. Equally, I could look into the evolution of man from apes or the change taken throughout the ageing process. 

I took these two photographs of a building taking place at Chiswick Park outside my bedroom window. I found it interesting to see how far the landscaping had developed everyday since the start when it was just an empty space
I then went onto draw the building every day over the course of a week. I did this on a clear plastic wallet as I thought it may be interesting to overlap the sketches to reflect the changes  to urban culture through one image