Saturday 15 February 2014

LIFE: The transition over time

After deciding to follow the idea of 'life', I went about creating a mind-map of ideas of what I would typically associate with life. 
This includes the rites of passage that people go through in life. In my own life, that would mean baptism, communion and the relationship I share with my family and friends.
Using the ideas from 'The Curious Case of Benjamin Button', I think I will go about looking into my own life and the changes I have personally gone through as I have grown and changed with time.
I particularly like the second poster image where the actor, Brad Pitt's face has been collaged together with torn images of his character Benjamin's ageing face. I think it is a simple way of expressing the physical changes gone through with age, yet it is successful as it is clear to see and understand as an audience member.

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