Monday 31 March 2014


David Hockney begun to produce his photo collages in the 1980's entitling them 'the joiners', using polaroid and 35mm processed colour-prints.
Similar to the work of Maurizio Galimberti, Hockey uses polaroid snaps of one subject to create a composite image through patchwork.


  1. Take polaroid photographs of a subject
  2. Arrange them in a grid layout
  3. Move the subject or the camera around the subject throughout the photography process
I particularly like the idea of creating a narrative through the movement and placement of the images, going against the conventions of photography as a 'still' image.

ARTIST'S RESEARCH: Maurizio Galimberti

I found this artist, Maurizio Galimberti through a website called 'Trendland'.
He is a celebrated Italian master of Polaroid who creates abstract mosaic portraits of celebrities by shooting a number of individual frames which is then rearranged into a larger grid.
The piece, entitled 'Celebrity Works' uses close-up shots to give an intimate quality to the photographs, whereas the layering of the images, gives the impression that the piece is 3D.
His work appealed to me as I liked the idea of using a set of images to create one impacting image.
I also like the use of Polaroid's as it is a camera which allows instant photographs to be taken and in my case as I am looking into the idea of life, it can take an instant memory within that photograph. It is also interesting to see the celebrities in such an intimate form as it is not something which is usually seen, seeing as they live in the constant eye of the public, so have to live in an environment where they must be aware of their behaviour.
I would like to go about using this idea to create a new set of experiments, to reverse the idea of creating instant memories but using the Poloroid's to bring back memories


I went about experimenting further with projections, this time focussing particularly on projecting into mirrors.
I created a box-set using four mirrors. From my previous experiment with projection and seeing how the mirror duplicates images through its reflection, I thought it would be interesting to see how a series of several mirrors would work.
The mirrors worked similarly to my experiments with tracing paper as the more mirrors incorporated, the more transparent the image appears, again giving a quite eerie look.
I also like the idea of having an image repeated endlessly as the mirrors would reflect the image several times through each reflection of the mirror itself and how the image changes depending on the angle it is looked at, as the light from the projector seeps through, splitting the image in different ways.

Thursday 27 March 2014


I decided to experiment again with printing onto tracing paper. I particularly like how the transparency  of the material and the black and white colouring gives a ghostly effect which also literally presents the idea of the ghost of a past life and past memories.

I like how the contrast between a coloured image layered with a black and white image makes the images hard to see as two, but defines them as one; as seen in the third photograph, where I scanned the image in upside down by accident, this creates shadows and distorts the image further, reflecting the idea that memories are there within the person, but memories blur and fade into one over time.