Monday 17 March 2014


 I decided to use the concept from One Direction's music video for 'Story of my Life' to project images of my families past onto them into a space from the present.
I don't think the final outcome was very successful because as a whole my family were not really willing to be part of the piece.
Ontop of this the image used of the layered edited photographs appeared quite faint and I would rather have a stronger image.
I could redo this experiment again using my original photographs for a stronger image and I could leave the projector running thoughout the day so my family would not be asked to pose, but instead would become used to the projector being there, eventually forgetting it is there, for more natural shots.

I then went onto project into my own bedroom space. I chose this particular room because I felt that a bedroom is a space that represents an individual as most of my time is spent in my room. My room is my own and reflects my character through the books on my shelf, the clothes in my wardrobe and the photographs on my walls. therefore you can conclude many things about a person from their room.
I feel these experiments went better as there was so much more scape as I could project onto walls, objects and different surfaces. My favourite being the floorboards as they give an old textured effect to the photographs and that of the mirror as I like the grainy effect the mirror gives with all the finger prints and scratches. I feel a mirror is also a personal object as it can represent what you have been through as a person as every mark on it has a story behind it. Ontop of this the mirror allowed me to position my own face within the shot, allowing both myself and the projection to be seen, which is something I really liked. Also, I particularly like how when projected into a mirror, the image duplicates, reflecting off it onto different surfaces, showing the image to be never ending, which is something I see to reflect life experiences themselves; that they are not something that will ever end, but will continue, not only in you but in those who carry your memories.

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